The Next Evolution In Business Growth For 2024 And Beyond

SEE HOW I UPGRADED MY BUSINESS to Be Wildly Profitable And Highly Impactful Using This Secret Non-Profit Model That Can Scale On Autopilot...

Without The Hustle, Grind, Or Constantly Chasing After New Clients

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Non-Profit Profits is a groundbreaking approach to amplify your reach, revenue, and impact by strategically UPGRADING to a unique nonprofit business.

Our proven 3-pillar approach combines a transformative business framework, an automated marketing engine, and a NO COST ADS strategy to create a highly profitable and purpose-driven business model.

This system has helped me

make more money by shifting my business to attract over 1,300 members in just 18 months, generating over $1.3 million in PROFIT.

By leveraging the NonProfit Profits methodology, you can tap into the trust, credibility, and mission-driven appeal that comes with a non-profit business, allowing you to expand your reach, boost your revenue, and make a bigger difference in the world.

The Next Evolution In Business Growth

copy My Secret 7-Figure NonProfit Business Model

While gaining a massive advantage over everyone else in your industry

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Only $27 Today

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NonProfit Profits is a groundbreaking approach to amplify your reach, revenue, and impact by strategically upgrading to a unique nonprofit business.

Our proven 3-pillar approach combines a transformative business framework, an automated marketing engine, and a NO COST ADS strategy to create a highly profitable and purpose-driven business model.

This system has helped me make more money by shifting my business to attract over 1,300 members in just 18 months, generating over $1.3 million in PROFIT.

By leveraging the NonProfit Profits methodology, you can tap into the trust, credibility, and mission-driven appeal that comes with a non-profit business, allowing you to expand your reach, boost your revenue, and make a bigger difference in the world.

NonProfit Profits is a Cheat Code

Before I created NonProfit Profits, I spent years struggling to scale my online business, pouring my heart and soul into creating courses and programs, only to find myself stuck in a cycle of constant hustle and limited impact.

It was frustrating...

...I found myself trapped in a business model that no longer aligned with my values or my desire to make a difference in the world.

This led me to question everything - and eventually discover the financial power of combining online business with a non-profit model, breaking all the rules and freeing myself from the limitations of the traditional online business world.

After years of trial-and-error, testing everything, and figuring things out the hard way - without anyone guiding me...

Now - I've finally reached a point where I have a thriving business of over 1,300 members who were happy to pay me between $1k-15k for the benefits I provide.

Today - You have the opportunity to duplicate the entire system I built, by accessing Non-Profit Profits for only $27."

Here's how it works:

Limited Time Access-Get The NPP Blueprint For Only $27

The Only System That Lets You Upgrade Your Business Into A Non-Profit That You Can Scale On Autopilot...

This will show you how to Upgrade Your Business and transition to a better, higher profit 'Purpose-Driven' model. This means you get to escape the hustle and grind of constantly chasing after sales & being buried in marketing tasks...


"Non-Profit Profits Masterclass"

A comprehensive training that walks you through the step-by-step process of launching and growing your own Non-Profit business.

This masterclass is designed to help you create a powerful brand around your purpose and values, attract high-paying members, and deliver an incredible member experience.

You'll learn proven strategies and tactics for building a successful Non-Profit business, even if you have no prior experience.

3 FREE Fast Action Bonuses

"Non-Profit Profits Offer Guide"

A detailed blueprint for creating an exclusive community of high-paying members who share your values and passions.

This guide will show you how to define your niche, create a compelling offer, and build a loyal following of raving fans.

You'll learn how to position yourself as a thought leader in your industry and create a truly unique and valuable member experience that sets you apart from the competition.

"Non-Profit Profits Marketing Engine"

A complete toolkit for building your automated marketing engine and attracting new members on autopilot.

This resource includes proven scripts for creating compelling marketing messages, as well as a step-by-step map for setting up your marketing channels and funnels.

You'll learn how to use social media, email marketing, and paid advertising to reach your ideal members and convert them into loyal fans.

"Non-Profit Profits Ads Strategy"

A game-changing approach to growing your business without breaking the bank.

This strategy shows you how to leverage little-known advertising loopholes and strategies to get up to $10,000 in free ad spend every single month.

You'll learn how to create high-converting ads, target your ideal audience, and scale your business quickly and easily.

With this strategy, you can grow your Non-Profit Business faster than you ever thought possible, without risking your own money.

Purposeful Profit Playbook Testimonial

As Seen On Sites Like:

As Used On Sites Like:

"Here's How I Went From Being Trapped in my Traditional Business... To Creating an Innovative System That Attracts High-Paying Supporters Who Are excited to Be Part of My Community"

(By Ignoring the Status Quo, Breaking All the Rules, and Turning the Traditional Coaching and Consulting Model Upside Down)

 This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You've Ever Heard of Before - Read The Story Below To Discover The NFP Blueprint

Dear Entrepreneur & Small - Mid Sized Business Owner

From: The laptop of Wayne Daniels Jr

Re: Non-Profit Profits (And why this is your only way out)...

Would it surprise you to learn that I have members who were willing to invest between $3k-15k in my courses, programs, and coaching?

...Who were drawn by my mission and resonated with my values and desire to make a positive impact.

Would it surprise you to learn that this new business model gives me access to opportunities that I never knew were possible in the online business world?

So it gives me the ability to have a business that doesn't rely on chasing after sales or being buried in marketing tasks...

Which means there's no more endless hustle...

Would it surprise you to learn this system allowed me to serve over 1300 members, generate over $1.3 million dollars in revenue, and make a significant impact on the causes I care about, all in just 18 months?

... And that I did it without having to spend countless hours on marketing, be tied down by the demands of a traditional online business, or spend a fortune on ads...

So they can now achieve a level of success, freedom, and fulfillment they never thought possible.


Good - You should be!!

After all - You can't believe everything you read online.

so let me prove it to you

But first - read this disclaimer

I have the benefit of years of knowledge and experience in online business - And I have refined and proven this system by creating a NEW model for course creators, coaches, and program owners.

But the average person who joins any "program" or "system" gets little to no results. I'm sharing these references for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors... including, but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

All investments entail risk. And true success requires massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET NON-PROFIT PROFITS.

And yes, it took me time and energy to achieve these results.

Now with that said...

Let me jump right in and show you how...

I Did It By Using a Completely Counterintuitive Approach - That I'm About to Share With You on This Very Page...

The same NonProfit Profits system that Entrepreneurs and Business owners from all over the world can use...

Giving them the ability to amplify their impact and make more money...

So they have more freedom to live the life they deserve...

And in turn - Their businesses are growing faster than ever before...

All while having more time to focus on what truly matters...

And best of all - Finally, they are respected and loved for the impact they make on people's lives.

And this system will work for anyone...

The secret weapon: Non-Profit Integration

It may seem counterintuitive, but this is not just your run-of-the-mill business strategy...

This is a special approach that has extraordinary powers...

This strategy is unique because it leverages the power of a non-profit business...

And this makes it a powerful tool for growth and impact when understood and utilized correctly.

This Was The Single Most Innovative Business Model I Had Ever Discovered...

And you can BET...

Non-Profit Profits is unlike any method you've heard of before.

This is something completely different, because...

We don't focus on "constantly chasing sales"

We don't focus on "being buried in marketing tasks"

We don't focus on "competing in a crowded online market" or working with price-sensitive customers

We don't focus on "being undervalued and overworked"

We don't focus on "sacrificing our values or mission"...

In fact - We have members who are willing to donate premium dollars to be part of a community that shares their values and supports a common cause.

We Attract "Mission-Driven Followers" To Join Our Community...

Followers who are drawn by our purpose and resonate with our core values and principles – Who are excited to be part of our movement and support our cause.

And happy to invest in our offerings – Before we even have a single conversation with them...

And because all of this is automated – It takes much less work to make a much bigger impact and generate more revenue.

Like I said...

This is something completely different.

And it has the power to change everything for you...

...And I know that's true...

Because it changed everything for me - and now for countless other course creators, coaches, and program owners who use this same system too.

Non-Profit Profits allowed me to eliminate 99% of all the nonsense that comes with the traditional online business models...

Like constantly trying to stand out in a crowded market

Being tied down by endless marketing tasks

And feeling stuck on a hamster wheel, always hustling for the next sale

Or competing with low-quality, low-value offerings

Like struggling to build trust and credibility with your audience

Or feeling like you're not making a real difference in the world

Non-Profit Profits Freed Me From All Of That...

It Allowed Me To Amplify My Impact, Make More Money, And Serve A Higher Purpose...

This is us back in the day while I was running my traditional consulting/coaching business...

We look happy in the picture but it was a mask...

I had a smile on my face...

But I was miserable...


stressed out...

And had many sleepless nights because I was struggling to take care of my family...

I Felt Trapped in What I Now Call:

The "Online Business Hamster Wheel Of Death"

Step 1 - You want to make a bigger impact and generate more revenue with your online business. But you're stuck in the traditional course creation and coaching models.

So you "hustle harder, and hope" to find more clients...

Step 2 - You try content marketing and social media promotion, but that's time-consuming and inconsistent.

Forcing you to constantly chase after new leads...

Step 3 - You join course after course and program after program, hoping to find the ONE that will actually work for you.

But instead, they put the blame on YOU for not doing enough or not buying enough.

Step 4 - So you try discounting your prices and competing with the "instant experts" who are charging half of what you do.

But that only leads to being undervalued and overworked.

Step 5 - Worried about making ends meet - You find yourself scrolling through your inbox late at night, bombarded by the latest "guru" promises...

Until you...

Step 6 - You hold on to that ONE marketing tactic for dear life... The one you've been using for years...

Only to find that it's no longer effective...

Step 7 - Try anything else you can think of... Creating more content... Launching more products...

But it's all a race to the bottom, and it doesn't pay off...

Step 8 - None of this gives you the impact or the income you deserve... And not the "freedom" you were promised...

So you find yourself overwhelmed, frustrated, and on the brink of giving it all up.

Step 9 - Burned out and trapped - You start over at step 1

The "Client Hamster Wheel of Death" not only sucked...

But kept me stuck for years - forcing me to struggle to make a real impact, while being chained to my business.

To be real...

I Felt Like I Was Being Buried Alive

Like I'd never be able to achieve the success or freedom that I deserved.

But before I gave up...

I wanted to try something.

Something that - if it worked.

It would change everything for me and my family.

And as you're about to find out, what I tried...

... It worked...

And I spent years turning it into a system...

I Put This Entire System Into A Program Called "Non-Profit Profits"

And You Can Start Implementing It In Just A Few Moments From Now

But before you do.

I'd like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

My name is Wayne Daniels, Jr.

You probably haven't heard that name before. That's by design.

My life is pretty good now...

I've built a successful business that I love...

And I serve my community regularly in my higher calling and purpose.

I'm On A Mission To Actually Help Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs Make A Difference In The World..."

I'm a pastor of a growing church here in Long Island, New York.

I'm actually a bishop that pastors other pastors around the country and the world!

My health is a lot better...

And I only work with members that I love – And thanks to Non-Profit Profits, it takes me less work to be more impactful.

The BEST Money-Back Guarantee
In The World

My Dream Life Has Become My Reality!

I have been able to retire my wife...

Travel with her on nice vacations...

I have been able to retire my wife...

Travel with her on nice vacations...

Take care of my parents...

Get to spend time with my kids...

I can make all of the plays, concerts, games and going fishing...

I get to be A PRESENT DAD...

And live a life that most only dream about...

And beyond building communities..

I get to help serve in my local area and make an impact by volunteering locally, serving the homeless and helping those in need...

This is WHY I do what I do...

And Non-Profit Profits is HOW I do it!

 so Here’s How To Order Today...

Click the button below and fill out the order form, and you’ll be reading the 2 Hour Agency in the next 2 minutes.

Price: $5.60

(Save $31.40 today)Download The eBook For $37 Just $5.60! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.

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So Let Me Show You Non-Profit Profits And How This Works...

You Need To Imagine Your Business As An Automated Vessel Or A Vehicle...

There are 3 main things every vessel needs in order to successfully get you from where you are to where you are going.

The first thing you need is a Frame or a body...

The thing that holds everything together and holds YOU inside...

Next you need an Engine...

This is the propeller, or engine that propels you forward and keeps you in motion... and this is a really high performance engine

And third, your engine needs fuel...

not just any fuel... We're talking high octane, premium fuel that will take you further than you ever imagined..

So Let me break this down for you...

The Frame Or Body Of Your Business In Non-Profit Profits Is The Purpose-Driven Business Model...

This is where you create a powerful brand around a mission or cause that will draw the right kind of people in...

Instead of constantly trying to stand out in a crowded online market and competing for attention all day long...

You become the leader of a purpose-driven movement where the focus is on making a difference and supporting a common cause...

This way YOU are always in control. And you can do things on your terms.

And ultimately command respect, be valued and revered...

The Engine Of Your Business In Non-Profit Profits Is The Automated System...

This is the system that automates your outreach and your content...

It's designed to attract and sign up members on autopilot...

So you get set up on the largest platforms that have access to and know where your ideal audience is hanging out, their likes and dislikes, and what their core values are...

Then you run ads on those platforms...

Then you send them to an automated system where your future followers will watch a video that talks about who you are, and what your mission is...

Then that video explains the benefits they will receive by supporting your cause and it invites them to join your movement...

And here's the best part...

There are no hard sales tactics...

There's no objection handling...

There's no convincing...

Nothing like that at all...

Because you're not selling them anything...

You're only inviting them to be part of a mission that aligns with their values and makes a real difference in the world...

And Finally, The Fuel For Your Business In Non-Profit Profits Is The Free Ads...

Inside of Non-Profit Profits, I'm going to show you exactly how to market and advertise to your perfect audience who resonates with your core values and aligns with your purpose...

And you'll discover how to get $10,000 per month EVERY MONTH for free to build your business and attract followers who are passionate about supporting your cause...

So Here's The Exact 4-Step System Revealed In Non-Profit Profits...

Step 1 - Transform your business with Non-Profit Profits that allows you to amplify your impact and focus on fulfilling a purpose...

Step 2 - Launch your marketing engine that automatically attracts high paying followers to join your movement...

Step 3 - Run your No Cost Ads - yep, those Free Ads that carry your message and your mission...

Step 4 - Engage supporters on autopilot - without hard sales tactics or overcoming objections...

Think of it this way...

Even if your ads are terrible...

You get $10,000 per month to run ads...

If you only get one member to join your membership at say $1,000 per month...

Your ads will be profitable...

Now imagine getting only ONE new supporter every month...

by month 10, you'll have 10 supporters and will have $10,000/mo recurring revenue...

And that's $78,000 in your first year... from only 12 supporters...

And you got those Supporters FOR FREE!

Now imagine what your life could look like if you were able to get 3 supporters per month...

Or 7 supporters...

Or 10 supporters every month...

All paying you a premium to support your mission, vision and purpose and to receive the amazing benefits and transformation you have to offer...

This is not a dream...

This is real and it works...

Because I've done it...

And you can do it too...

If you get access to Non-Profit Profits right now...

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Everything That I share With You, I Personally Do

I KNOW the exact right business structure because I use the right structure myself.

I know exactly what engine will be best for you because I've been setting them up for businesses over the last 15 years.

And I can help you make this transition and become wildly successful.

Even if you're just starting out or are brand new in your business but you really want to make a huge impact!

This Is Your Chance To Finally Break Free From The Traditional Online Business Models That Have You Trapped, Overwhelmed, And Undervalued...

And Step Into A New Way Of Doing Business That Allows You To Make More Money, Have More Freedom, And Make A Bigger Impact...

Without Having To Constantly Chase Sales, Be Tied Down By Marketing Tasks, Or Compete In A Crowded Market...

Non-Profit Profits Is The Next Evolution In The Course Creation, Coaching, And Online Business Space.

It's A Groundbreaking And Innovative Approach To Business That Focuses More On The Impact You Make On People's Lives And The Causes You Support Than Just The Products Or Services You Offer...

And When You Get Access To Non-Profit Profits, You'll Have The Exact Steps To Plug Into This New Framework So You Can:

Amplify Your Impact And Focus On Fulfilling Your Purpose

Attract Followers Who Are Excited To Invest In Your Offerings To Support Your Cause

Have An Automated System That Engages New Supporters On Autopilot

Get $10,000 In Free Ads Every Month To Grow Your Business

Imagine Waking Up Every Day Excited To Work On Your Business Because You're Making A Real Difference In People's Lives And The Causes You Care About...

Imagine Having The Freedom To Take Time Off Whenever You Want, Travel With Your Family, And Do The Things You Love...

Imagine Never Having To Worry About Money Again Because You Have A Steady Stream Of Passionate Supporters...

That's The Life That's Waiting For You On The Other Side Of Non-Profit Profits.

And You Can Get Started Today For Just $27.

Normally, The Non-Profit Profits Masterclass Alone Would Sell For $297 Because It's Packed Full Of Actionable Strategies And Step-By-Step Instructions...

But I Want To Make This A No-Brainer For You.

So When You Join Non-Profit Profits Today, You'll Also Get:

The "Non-Profit Profits Masterclass" that give you a step by step process to set up and scale your highly profitable Non-Profit Business...

The "Purpose-Driven Business" Guide that reveals the game-changing non-profit integration model that lets you keep all the revenue..

The "Non-Profit Profits Marketing Engine" Map To Help You Shift From Being Product-Driven To Purpose-Driven... The Exact Layout And Flow Of The Automated Marketing Engine

Our "Non-Profit Profitable Ads Guide" To Getting Set Up With $10,000 In Free Ads Every Month!

That's Over $500 In Value For Just $27.

But This Offer Won't Last Long.

If You're Ready To Finally Have The Business And Life You've Always Dreamed Of...

One Where You Call The Shots, Make The Rules, And Get Paid Your Worth...

Then Click The Button Below To Get Instant Access To Non-Profit Profits.

You Have Nothing To Lose And Everything To Gain.

I Can't Wait To See You On The Inside.

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Join The Movement & Get Access To Non-Profit Profits


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Download The Blueprint For Only $27! Delivered Instantly. Start watching in the next 2 minutes.

Available For Instant Access

Here's What What You're going To Get:

Attract High-Paying Members and Grow Your Business on Autopilot

  • Learn proven strategies for attracting your ideal members and converting them into loyal followers...

  • Get access to the NFP Engine Scripts and Map, which includes everything you need to build your automated marketing engine....

  • Leverage the power of social media, email marketing, and paid advertising to grow your business quickly and easily...

Included Bonuses

Non-Profit Profits Masterclass

A comprehensive training that walks you through the step-by-step process of launching and growing your own Non-Profit business.

This masterclass is designed to help you create a powerful brand around your purpose and values, attract high-paying members, and deliver an incredible member experience.

You'll learn proven strategies and tactics for building a successful Non-Profit business, even if you have no prior experience.

"Non-Profit Profits Offer Guide"

A detailed blueprint for creating an exclusive community of high-paying members who share your values and passions.

This guide will show you how to define your niche, create a compelling offer, and build a loyal following of raving fans.

You'll learn how to position yourself as a thought leader in your industry and create a truly unique and valuable member experience that sets you apart from the competition.

"Non-Profit Profits Marketing Engine"

A complete toolkit for building your automated marketing engine and attracting new members on autopilot.

This resource includes proven scripts for creating compelling marketing messages, as well as a step-by-step map for setting up your marketing channels and funnels.

You'll learn how to use social media, email marketing, and paid advertising to reach your ideal members and convert them into loyal fans.

"Non-Profit Profits Ads Strategy"

A game-changing approach to growing your business without breaking the bank.

This strategy shows you how to leverage little-known advertising loopholes and strategies to get up to $10,000 in free ad spend every single month.

You'll learn how to create high-converting ads, target your ideal audience, and scale your business quickly and easily. With this strategy,

You can grow your Non-Profit Business faster than you ever thought possible, without risking your own money.


(Save $73 today)

Access The Bundle For Just $27! Delivered instantly. Start watching in the next 2 minutes.

Available For Instant Access

Get Non-Profit Profits

Get Up to $10,000 in Free Ad Spend Every Month and Scale Your Business Faster

  • Discover little-known advertising loopholes and tactics that can help you get up to $10,000 in free ad spend every month

  • Create high-converting ads that target your ideal audience and generate consistent leads and sales

  • Scale your business faster than you ever thought possible, without risking your own money or spending hours on marketing

Here's How It Works:

Here's Everything You're Getting 

Included With Your Order

"Non-Profit Profits Masterclass"

A comprehensive training that walks you through the step-by-step process of launching and growing your own Non-Profit business. This masterclass is designed to help you create a powerful brand around your purpose and values, attract high-paying members, and deliver an incredible member experience. You'll learn proven strategies and tactics for building a successful Non-Profit business, even if you have no prior experience.

Included With Your Order

"Non-Profit Profits Offer Guide"

A detailed blueprint for creating an exclusive community of high-paying members who share your values and passions. This guide will show you how to define your niche, create a compelling offer, and build a loyal following of raving fans. You'll learn how to position yourself as a thought leader in your industry and create a truly unique and valuable member experience that sets you apart from the competition.

Included With Your Order

"Non-Profit Profits Marketing Engine"

A complete toolkit for building your automated marketing engine and attracting new members on autopilot. This resource includes proven scripts for creating compelling marketing messages, as well as a step-by-step map for setting up your marketing channels and funnels. You'll learn how to use social media, email marketing, and paid advertising to reach your ideal members and convert them into loyal fans.

Included With Your Order

"Non-Profit Profits Ads Guide"

A game-changing approach to growing your business without breaking the bank. This strategy shows you how to leverage little-known advertising loopholes and strategies to get up to $10,000 in free ad spend every single month. You'll learn how to create high-converting ads, target your ideal audience, and scale your business quickly and easily. With this strategy, you can grow your Non-Profit Business faster than you ever thought possible, without risking your own money.

For Only $27 Today

Access Non-Profit Profits directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.

 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What exactly is Non-Profit Profits?

A: Non-Profits Profit is a comprehensive training system that teaches coaches, consultants, and service providers how to launch and grow a successful Non-Profit business. It includes a step-by-step blueprint, proven marketing strategies, and ongoing support to help you create a profitable and impactful business.

Q: Who is Non-Profit Profits for?

A: Non-Profit Profits is designed for course creators, coaches and program owners who want to escape the traditional client model and build a business around their passion and purpose. Whether you're just starting out or you've been in business for years, this program can help you create a more fulfilling and profitable business.

Q: How is Non-Profit Profits different from other programs?

A: The NFP Blueprint is unique because it focuses specifically on the NFP business model, which allows you to create a community of high-paying members who share your values and passions. This model is more sustainable and fulfilling than the traditional client model, and it allows you to make a bigger impact while also earning more money.

Q: What's included in Non-Profit Profits?

A: The NFP Blueprint includes the NFP Masterclass, which is a comprehensive training program that walks you through the step-by-step process of launching and growing your own NFP business. It also includes the NFP Elite Private Club 7-Figure Cheat Sheet, the NFP Engine 7-Figure Funnel Map and Scripts, and the NFP No-Cost Ads Strategy, which are all designed to help you attract high-paying members and grow your business quickly and easily.

Q: How much does Non-Profit Profits cost?

A: The NFP Blueprint is currently available for just $27. This is a special limited-time offer, and the program normally sells for $297.

Q: What if I'm not experienced in marketing or technology? Can I still succeed with Non-Profit Profits?

A: Absolutely! The NFP Blueprint is designed to be accessible and easy to follow, even if you have no prior experience in marketing or technology. The program includes step-by-step training videos, templates, and resources that walk you through the entire process of launching and growing your NFP business. Plus, you'll have access to ongoing support and guidance from experienced coaches and mentors who can help you overcome any challenges you may face along the way. Whether you're a complete beginner or you've been in business for years, the NFP Blueprint program can help you achieve your goals and create the business of your dreams.

Q: How long does it take to complete Non-Profit Profits?

A: The NFP Blueprint is designed to be self-paced, so you can complete it at your own speed. Most people are able to launch their NFP business within 60-90 days of starting the program, but the exact timeline will depend on your individual goals and circumstances.

Q: What kind of support is available?

A: When you join the NFP Blueprint, you'll get access to a FREE member community where you can connect with other like-minded entrepreneurs and get ongoing support and accountability. You'll also have access to live Q&A sessions with the blueprint creator, Wayne Jr.

Q: How do I know if Non-Profit Profits is right for me?

A: If you're a coach, consultant, or service provider who wants to build a more fulfilling and profitable business around your passion and purpose, then the NFP Blueprint is definitely worth considering. It's designed to help you escape the traditional client model and create a business that truly aligns with your values and goals. If you're ready to take your business to the next level and make a bigger impact in the world, then this program is for you.

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We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training. We give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on the products we sell, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.